When we launched unlimited Shari’a Consultation back in 2011, we set out to be a very different type of Shari’a Advisory establishment. New entrants and Islamic institutes need more than just a Shari’a compliant product to succeed: they also benefit from structuring support, design Shari’a expertise, and guidance with clear understanding of parameters and Shari’a risks. Three years later, we’re working with more than 40 portfolio companies worldwide, tackling Shari’a compliant challenges across a host of industries.
Our goal has been simple: we want to help businesses and entrepreneurs anywhere in the world bring their ideas to life in a Shari’a compliant way. And it is heartening to see a list of international companies making the cut for our Consultation and Supervisory program. One such global company is The International Bank of Azerbaijan who has assigned us for its upcoming community projects dedicated to the Azeri society using Shari’a compliant modalities. We believe their communal development schemes ranging from education to House repairing to credit supports will have enormous potential in Azerbaijan and we expect to see compelling new ideas emerge from the country and beyond.
We can’t predict the kinds of investment schemes and business ideas the Islamic financial industry might showcase 15 years from now, but we do know the contribution of The International Bank of Azerbaijan will be essential to this future, and we can’t wait to see what new entrants will develop next in a Shari’a compliant way.