When Islamic businesses are empowered to dream big, they become capable of tackling significant problems—and if they are strengthened with a range of Shari’a Consultancy services they take solid actions and become an important pillar of a thriving investment community. That’s why four years ago we launched our first unlimited Shari’a Consultation program, a service designed to help businesses learn, connect, build and develop their own offerings in a Shari’a compliant way.
Over the years our service started to take shape of a hub for new entrants desiring to offer their products in the Islamic markets. Businesses from Canada to Hong Kong, from Azerbaijan to Australia started to fuel up ideas with our Shari’a experts, discuss propositions on video calls, explore financial structures with scholars, and connect with dedicated teams of Consultants. So far, it’s been a thrilling experience and we’ve seen great results with clients creating new products and services.
Building on the success of these services, we’re welcoming another new player from UAE to our portfolio of clients: Commercial Bank International (CBI). We’re excited to open our Consultative doors to them and our interdisciplinary teams have started to directly involve them with our supporting programs. By putting the right resources at their fingertips we’ll be helping CBI establish an Islamic unit and also structure, design and host new Islamic products and build transformative services to meet their Corporate banking demands.
We’ll also be working hard this year to make it easy to deliver our Shari’a certification, equities screening and Shari’a Audit services to prospects worldwide. Since our humble beginnings ten years ago we’ve grown to include +67 portfolio companies across a host of industries, 3,000 transactional programs, 5 interdisciplinary teams and a combined scholarly workforce of 27 advisors from 14 countries. And we’re not done yet: our advisory services will continue to improve—serving international businesses like CBI to help them maintain and offer Shari’a compliant products when and where they need it.
The scope and value of our services, and the help they offer in building a thriving economy, keeps us excited. And we are very lucky to be a part of this business!