The future of savings may well lie in people creating, imagining and exploring their own opportunities with Islamic finance—and perhaps most important of all, having fun while making their plans! Over the years, we’ve worked closely with institutions to build programs through mutual funds, ETF’s, and even vertical farming with a very friendly touch. Today, we’re unveiling our latest engagement—one that gives voice to your retirement plans and transforms savings into the future. It’s called t’azur.

With t’azur, individuals and corporate firms can narrate their own savings and retirement adventures, make legacy pots, and build protection benefits. Their Takaful policies are like an investment engine but with enormous wealth of knowledge, expertise and a research lab of financial investments to help inspire your savings and protection. Our objective is to create a Shari’a Supervisory Board and manage their policy structuring, and Shari’a supervisory functions.

Whether you dream of leaving a professional legacy for your family, a private saver, or just want to explore the boundaries of Islamic financial protection. We hope t’azur will empower you to imagine, explore and re-invent your future. We’re delighted to be at the heart of this opportunity and look forward to working together with them to increase innovation in the Islamic insurance industry and shape its future.