Audit on Account Holder & Investment Pools

One of the unique features of Islamic finance is the presence of risk-sharing stakeholders such as account holders* in Islamic banks and the insured participants in Islamic insurance companies. These participatory stakeholders have a quasi-equity contractual arrangement to share the profits and losses in the net assets of the underlying business.

Managing Sukuk Governance

Leverage on our expertise to manage, govern, and comply with AAOIFI’s Sukuk governance requirements, while establishing trust and ensuring Sharia compliance.

BOD Support for Sharia Governance

The regulatory landscape of Islamic financial sectors is evolving across the GCC countries, boards must be able to navigate the challenges and opportunities in governing Sharia compliance.

Remote Sharia Audit

Our digitally managed Sharia audits are designed to work remotely in a safe, secure and efficient way. From collecting information to reviewing documentation to auditing transactions and issuing reports, our remote Sharia audit is underpinned with easy to use delivery model, so as to provide you with a fast, accurate, safe and secure remote assessment.

External Sharia Audit

Our external Sharia audit is a trust engendering tool. Our practice underpins the trust of Islamic stewardship between your company and those who wish to see an honest view of the implementation of Sharia compliance in your firm.

Internal Sharia Audit

This practice takes into account Sharia non-compliance risks and engages in reviewing all transactions, products, & financial statements on a regular basis so as to ensure compliance with guidelines laid down by your Sharia Board.

Sharia Assurance (ISAE 3000)

Our Sharia assurance practice is guided by the most widely recognized international standard, ISAE 3000. Under this service, the scope of work is sized to your specific Sharia governance, controls and investment needs and the level of assurance is designed accordingly for your stakeholders.

Sharia Supervisory Board

We identify and assemble the right scholars for your transaction, and set up the Sharia Board for your Company. We then assign a dedicated Sharia manager as a focal point for you to liaise with and to help support you in implementing and managing the Sharia rules and guidelines.