Our service identifies and assembles the right scholars for your needs, and sets up the Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) for your Company. We then assign a dedicated Sharia manager as a focal point for you to liaise with and to help support you in implementation of SSB’s guidance and rulings. Over the years we have designed many techniques to develop procedures that are tailored to the needs of each of your requirements, spanning from quick SSB investment solutions to product approval delivery in a matter of days, to large project structuring.
What type of regulatory support do we offer?
To help you tackle regulatory challenges and comply with Sharia governing directives, our solution seamlessly integrates and provides support by:
- Filing governance structures along with appointment, remuneration and dismissal procedures;
- Drafting internal control procedures between the SSB and key business activity;
- Coverage of SSB conflict management policy, principles and implementation;
- Documenting oversight process of application of product rulings and guidelines;
- Submitting the system of management and containment of Sharia breaches;
- Designing the SSB’s review as per GSIFI No. 2 of the AAOIFI governance standards.
Did you know?
We can also bring global recognition to your offering?
Visit our Global Sharia Certificate page to discover how you can impress investors, build trust, and boost your credibility with a single certificate.
Click here to unlock the value of Sharia compliance for your business.